Tag: PVC pipe manufacturer in east

Know these PVC Pipe uses

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes have now become the go-to alternative to conventional cast-iron pipes, steel pipes, and asbestos cement pipes. This is because PVC pipes are the most cost-effective solutions for various types of requirements that span multiple industries.

Know these PVC Pipe uses

As compared to conventional pipes, PVC pipes are affordable, easily available, and have a long working life. Here are some of the important uses of PVC pipes:

1) Irrigation systems for agricultural businesses

For every agriculture business to have higher returns, it’s a must to have reliable and efficient irrigations systems. And the pipes that are used for distributing water are an important component of the irrigation systems.

PVC pipes are a cost-effective choice for use in irrigation systems. Skipper Limited is one of the leading PVC pipe manufacturers and suppliers. PVC pipes from the company have a superior water pressure-withstanding capacity. They are resistant to contamination and require the least maintenance. Also, the company’s agricultural PVC pipes are compatible with various leak-proof fittings. Learn more about the company’s agricultural PVC pipes at https://www.skipperlimited.com/water/rigid-pipes.aspx.

2) Plumbing systems

PVC pipes find multiple applications in plumbing systems. From drainage systems to water mains, PVC pipes are an ideal choice as they have superior structural strength and last for a long period of time. High-quality PVC pipes have a strong resistivity against harmful chemical reactions.

PVC pipes are widely used for plumbing solutions in both residential and commercial properties. Skipper Limited also provides PVC pipes for plumbing of superior quality. The company’s plumbing PVC pipes are lead-free and are compatible with leak-proof fittings.

3) Sewage liners

It’s a must for the pipes used in sewage liners to have superior durability, and high-quality PVC pipes check this box. High-quality PVC pipes are resistant to chemical reactions and therefore is highly suitable for applications in sewage liner projects.

Also, high-quality PVC pipes have a superior pressure-bearing capacity which makes them ideal for sewage applications. Unlike conventional metal pipes, PVC pipes do not corrode and therefore last for a long period of time.

4) Borewell projects

As mentioned above, high-quality PVC pipes have an excellent pressure-bearing capacity. This property, in combination with affordability and superior longevity, makes PVC pipes an ideal choice for applications in different types of borewell projects.

Top PVC pipe companies, including Skipper Limited, offer PVC borewell pipes of various diameter and length. As high-quality PVC borewell pipes are resistant to corrosion, they require little to no maintenance and therefore are long-lasting. High-quality PVC borewell pipes are non-toxic as well. They do not impart any color, odour, or taste.

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7 Interesting Facts on PVC

7 Interesting Facts on PVC

PVC, or Polyvinyl Chloride, has played an important part in development as it finds large application in industries such as engineering, construction, health-care, and technology. PVC is the third-most used synthetic plastic polymer. Continue reading “7 Interesting Facts on PVC”